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Episerver Forms Cleanup for GDPR

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NB: This is the super duper simple first version of this "plugin"! GDPR made us all available that we need to maintain any data we collect, which includes form posts. Here's a simple method of automatically deleting any form posts older than X days.


Add the EpiserverFormsILM setting in web.config

<add key="EpiserverFormsILM" value="60"/>

Add the nuget package System.ValueTuple

Install-Package System.ValueTuple


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq;
using EPiServer.DataAbstraction;
using EPiServer.Forms.Core;
using EPiServer.Forms.Core.Data;
using EPiServer.Forms.Core.Models;
using EPiServer.PlugIn;
using EPiServer.Scheduler;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;

// Do whatever you want, www.herlitz.io
namespace Herlitz.Web.Business.AdminJobs
    [ScheduledPlugIn(DisplayName = "Episerver Forms Cleanup", Description = "Better GDPR compliance for Episerver forms")]
    public class EpiserverFormsILM : ScheduledJobBase
        private bool _stopSignaled;
        private Injected _formRepository;
        private Injected _formDataRepository;
        private Injected _languageBranchRepository;

        public EpiserverFormsILM()
            IsStoppable = true;

        /// Called when a user clicks on Stop for a manually started job, or when ASP.NET shuts down.
        public override void Stop()
            _stopSignaled = true;

        /// Called when a scheduled job executes
        /// A status message to be stored in the database log and visible from admin mode
        public override string Execute()
            //Call OnStatusChanged to periodically notify progress of job for manually started jobs
            OnStatusChanged($"Starting execution of {this.GetType()}");

            if (_stopSignaled)
                return "Stop of job was called";

            var languages = _languageBranchRepository.Service.ListEnabled().Select(x => x.Culture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName).ToList();

            // take all forms in all languages
            var allForms = _formRepository.Service.GetFormsInfo(null);

            List<(string, int, string)> submissionCount = new List<(string, int, string)>();

            foreach (var form in allForms)
                if (_stopSignaled)
                    submissionCount.Add(($"{form.Name}", 0, " The job was stopped"));

                foreach (var language in languages)
                    if (_stopSignaled)

                        int episerverFormsILMperiod = -int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EpiserverFormsILM"]);

                        var result = _formDataRepository.Service.GetSubmissionDataCount(
                         formIden: new FormIdentity(form.FormGuid, language),
                         beginDate: DateTime.MinValue,
                         endDate: DateTime.Now.AddDays(episerverFormsILMperiod),
                         finalizedOnly: true);

                        if (result > 0)
                            submissionCount.Add((form.Name, result, language));

                            var submissions = _formDataRepository.Service.GetSubmissionData(
                                formIden: new FormIdentity(form.FormGuid, language),
                                beginDate: DateTime.MinValue,
                                endDate: DateTime.Now.AddDays(episerverFormsILMperiod),
                                finalizedOnly: true);

                                formIden: new FormIdentity(form.FormGuid, language),
                                submissionIds: submissions.Select(x => x.Id).ToArray());

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // Let's get on with our lives
                        submissionCount.Add((form.Name, 0, $"{language}; {ex.Message}"));

            // Output string 
            var output = "";

            foreach (var value in submissionCount)
                Console.WriteLine($"{value.Item1}: {value.Item2} - {value.Item3}");
                output = output + $"{value.Item1}: {value.Item2} - {value.Item3}\n
"; } return output; } } }



Configure the scheduled job in the admin gui in episerver, the code will delete any form submissions older than X days and report any errors on doing so.