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Solving Instagram OAuthAccessTokenException, "The access_token provided is invalid"

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So I got the error {"meta": {"error_type": "OAuthAccessTokenException", "code": 400, "error_message": "The access_token provided is invalid."}} when trying to build an Instagram feed on a website using sandboxed users.

Turns out I missed a line in the documentation.

I was trying to access the API using a string looking like this


The code 22a7748014dd4a66b0dc275342787661 was the access code I got from running the oauth/authorize url stated in the Instagram documentation


This was of course correct if I was trying to build an app requiring me to be out of the sandbox. Take note of the last part of the url, response_type=code. What we where looking for was an access token and not the code. 

Changing the last parameter to token resulted in this url


And I got the correct access back enabling me to fetch the latest 20 posts from the feed.


Note the difference of the access_tokens in the urls.
