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Esse nulla in pariatur, commodo occaecat dolor reprehenderit tempor voluptate amet, qui in sint officia laboris incididunt dolore lorem exercitation velit ex laborum, minim veniam. Excepteur occaecat proident, aliquip sed dolore non veniam, ex mollit fugiat magna dolor consequat, reprehenderit elit, quis ea ut lorem voluptate ullamco cupidatat dolor eu

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String concatenation in PowerShell

Strings concatenation in PowerShell is an everyday task for almost any Windows IT staff or Microsoft platform developer today. There are a few ways to accomplish this

Our variables

$hello = "Hello"
$world = "World"

The ordinary usage

Using built-in methods in PowerShell

# Concatenated using +
$concatenatedString = $hello + " "  + $world  +  "!"
# Using embedded variables
$embeddedString = "$hello $world!"
# Using string.Format powershell version (-f for format)
$formattedString = "{0} {1}!" -f $hello, $world

Using native .net methods

# Using string.Concat
$concatenateString = [System.String]::Concat($hello, " ", $world, "!")
# Using string.Format
$formattedString = [System.String]::Format("{0} {1}!", $hello, $world)


That is up to you, performance-wise there is little or no difference when doing a million cycles. My personal preference would be the native .net methods since thats what I'm used to read and I like to keep things simple.

What will happend with line breaks using the different methods

Concatenated using + with line breaks

$concatenatedString = $hello + 
    " "  + 
    $world  +  
    "! "

Returns the entire string in one line

Hello World!

Using embedded variables

$embeddedString = 

Returns a line broken string


Using string.Format powershell version (-f for format)

$formattedString = "{0} 
    {1}!" -f $hello, $world

Returns a line broken string


Using string.Concat

$concatenateString = 
        " ", $world, 

Returns the entire string in one line

Hello World!

Using string.Format

$formattedString = 
        "{0} {1}!", 
        $hello, $world)

Returns the entire string in one line

Hello World!

Using string.Format

$formattedString = 
        $hello, $world)

Returns a line broken string
