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Installing PHP 5.4 to Mac OS X (and Mountain Lion)

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PHP 5.4 gave as a few new features, I was a bit blah at first until I got news about the built-in webserver - YES!!! Well that was like a year ago and all .NET and SharePoint development have consumed the most of my life, until now!

Installing (or upgrading) your Mac OS X box to use PHP 5.4

Alright, this is simple and only takes a few minutes. First up install the new version of PHP 5.4, I used the routines from http://php-osx.liip.ch/, really sweet! Just do this

sudo curl -s http://php-osx.liip.ch/install.sh | bash -s 5.4

This installed PHP 5.4 into this folder, you should probably verify that you got the same path


Setup the built-in Apache to use PHP 5.4

Still in the terminal? Good, lets open the config for apache

sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf

Locate the LoadModule for PHP, it's usually in the end of the list of LoadModules. Uncomment the old php module by putting a hash sign (#) in front of it and put the new module on a new line, in my case it looks like this

LoadModule php5_module /usr/local/php5-20130210-223618/libphp5.so

Save and exit (CTRL + o + enter) (CTRL + x), restart apache

sudo apachectl restart

Set the PHP library path

We do this so the new PHP binaries will be default on command line execution, it can be done in a numerous of ways. Here is my approach.

sudo nano /etc/paths

Enter the path to the bin folder of your new PHP library, mine now looks like this.


Save and exit, you should probably restart bash at this point.

Simple test

Create and open a file, this is the default location of the webserver in os x

sudo nano /Library/WebServer/Documents/php.php

Enter the following


Save and close, go to your file by entering something like http://localhost/php.php