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Updating Lync Media Configuration using PowerShell

This will describe how to work with the CsMediaConfiguration cmdlets. This particular guide assumes you have a rather simple setup, for more complex setups you may need to tweak my suggestions a bit.

Let's have a look at your current config

Open PowerShell and run the Get-CsMediaConfiguration command, a default setup of lync should look like this

PS c:\> Get-CsMediaConfiguration
Identity            : Global
EnableQoS           : False
EncryptionLevel     : RequireEncryption
EnableSiren         : False
MaxVideoRateAllowed : VGA600K
The CsMediaConfiguration commands utilize the Microsoft.Rtc.Management.WritableConfig.Settings.Media.MediaSettings object as I describe here /2012/12/16/the-undocumented-mediasettings-class-from-microsoft-rtc/

Allowing HD video

Note the -Identity property

PS C:\> Set-CsMediaConfiguration -Identity site:Global -MaxVideoRateAllowed hd720p15m

Using PowerShell a bit

In this example I store the current configuration object in a $config variable and uses the identity in the object. The settings are also changed to allow HD and to SupportEncryption rather than to require it.

PS C:\> $config = Get-CsMediaConfiguration
PS C:\> Set-CsMediaConfiguration -Identity $config.Identity -MaxVideoRateAllowed hd720p15m -EncryptionLevel SupportEncryption
PS C:\> Get-CsMediaConfiguration
Identity            : Global
EnableQoS           : False
EncryptionLevel     : SupportEncryption
EnableSiren         : False
MaxVideoRateAllowed : Hd720p15M