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How to Integrate MOSS (SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010 or WSS 3) with Joomla, Drupal, WordPress or MediaWiki!

Update 2011-11-11!

This is an old post which turned into a real project. You may download the result here http://www.bendsoft.com/downloads/sharepoint-joomla-tools/. Any other php-based platform not using Joomla should use the Camelot PHP Tools for SharePoint framework instead, have a look at http://www.bendsoft.com/downloads/sharepoint-php-tools/, documentation available at http://docs.bendsoft.com/camelot-php-tools/   Original post This is just a little announcement, we are soon ready with a product that will bring you an ADO.NET interface towards Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, 2010 and WSS 3. In other words you will be able to query your SharePoint server with common sql language. Like
SharePoint /> SHOW TABLES;

SharePoint /> SELECT * FROM List1.Item;

SharePoint /> UPDATE List1 SET Title = 'My New Title' WHERE Title = 'Old Title';
Note! We are not working towards the MsSQL but towards the actual SharePoint Server as a data layer! Now, imagine what you can do with this stuff and tools like SharePoint Designer!

Use it with OpenSource!

Some really neat features are standardized php-classes to handle automated data exports from SharePoint. These php-classes are currently getting converted to work with the major OpenSource CMS platforms, and will accordingly be OpenSource themselves. However, we intend to charge yearly for the core-products, they will not be OpenSource (Hey, we got to pay our rent!).

Some other features

  • Export any list to MySQL dump (standardized xml format)
  • Schedule data export or import from or to any SharePoint MOSS (2007, 2010) or WSS 3.0
  • Sync data between two SharePoint installations
  • Smooth integration with Hibernate and it's siblings
  • Laughingly easy to create versatile web services and web parts
  • Use your SharePoint Server as a backend for your website
  • Directly import form data from your website to SharePoint
  • Backup a singular List (and restore if needed!)
  • Query your MOSS from .net, or php, or...
  • And more...